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Environmental stewardship

我们致力于创造一个更清洁的银河官网未来,以我们银河官网网址提供安全的责任为基础, reliable and cost-effective energy that improves our customers’ lives.

自2005年以来,我们通过增加可再生银河官网和淘汰老旧燃煤电厂的天然气,将电力公司的排放量减少了近三分之一. Our natural gas utility reported emissions have reduced 27% since 2022, making significant progress towards our net zero by 2035 target.

Natural gas net zero target

我们承诺到2035年实现天然气分销系统的净零排放. We've made significant progress, reducing reported emissions 27% since 2022, 我们很高兴向大家介绍实现这一目标的最新关键战略. 

Operate a net zero emissions distributions system

In 2022, we set a net zero target by 2035 for our natural gas distribution system, leveraging the company’s focus on safety and system integrity, 同时推进现有的战略,包括扩大损害预防和先进的泄漏检测. 我们的全面战略时间表概述了实现这一目标的三个实施阶段.

Continue best management practices

Pipeline replacement: 我们将继续用低辐射材料替换所有未受保护的钢管, including plastic and protected steel. 我们的完整性计划详细说明了到2035年完成无保护钢管道更换的时间表和优先级. 

Expanded leak detection: By collecting detailed emission data from our system, we can identify new opportunities for reductions. In addition to our regular system-wide leak surveying, 我们对我们的地面天然气设备进行额外的泄漏调查,以帮助确定我们系统的逸散排放. 

We will continue to expand these surveys, both by geographic location and rotational frequency, positioning us to address leaks quickly. 

Damage prevention: Our corporate goal to reduce third-party line hits to 1.5 (or below) hits per 1,通过扩大挖掘现场参观,将完成000次挖掘工作, predictive analytics with risk modeling to identify high-risk locations, and a continued focus on employee, customer and system safety.

Deep system reduction 

Furthering damage prevention: By targeting best in class for third-party damage line hits, we would further reduce system gas releases.

Pursue advanced monitoring and leak detection (AMLD): 该系统可以检测到低浓度的天然气泄漏,并配合航空测绘功能精确定位泄漏位置. 该系统能够快速、精确地对系统的大部分区域进行调查,从而使天然气运营商能够根据震级优先进行维修, analyze trends across the system, and continue to improve operational safety and reliability.

Achieve net zero emissions

Integrate low carbon fuels: 我们将继续推进低碳燃料,如可再生天然气,通过扩大我们系统的可再生天然气混合,并获得排放置换认证.

Utilize carbon offset credits: 可量化和经认证的抵消可以用来取代来自可再生银河官网开发等来源的排放平衡, landfill methane avoidance and destruction, energy efficiency, and improved forestry management.


Electric targets

我们的目标是到2030年将电力公司的排放强度降低40%,到2040年降低70%,在这方面我们继续取得进展, already reducing emissions by nearly one third since 2005. We’ll continue our strategy of investing in operational improvements, renewable energy, and new technologies to further reduce our environmental impact, for a responsible energy transition. 到2030年,我们拥有和购买的可再生银河官网和储能容量将翻一番, accounting for nearly half of our capacity resources.



Pathway to a cleaner energy future

我们正在通过增加低碳或零碳发电资源以及化石燃料工厂的退役或改造,向更清洁的银河官网未来过渡. 我们在科罗拉多州的首选资源计划建议到2030年增加400兆瓦的可再生银河官网和电池存储. We'll be positioned to achieve our greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions goals, without reliance on future technologies, 通过将尼尔辛普森II燃煤电厂改造为包括天然气作为双燃料单元, 改造或淘汰我们剩余的燃煤和柴油发电厂,增加可再生银河官网资源和储存.


Electric utility renewable energy

实现我们温室气体减排目标的一个关键策略是拥有和运营可再生银河官网. 在过去的十年中,我们在我们的服务区域内增加了202兆瓦的自有和运营风力发电能力. 

In addition to company owned and operated renewable energy sources, 我们利用ppa来满足客户的需求,并帮助实现我们的温室气体减排目标. 

我们的第一个大型太阳能PPA, Fall River solar,于2023年上线. The energy from this 80 MW project located near Oelrichs, South Dakota, 将用于服务南达科他州西部和怀俄明州东部的客户. 



Black Hills Energy owned renewable portfolio

1. 29 MW: Busch Ranch I

作为SB-100的一部分,Busch Ranch I银河官网网址提供了在科罗拉多州开发第六个可再生银河官网区的机会. 这个可再生银河官网区为开发布什牧场II和峰景银河官网网址提供了进一步的机会, wind projects. 该项目银河官网网址支持科罗拉多州的目标,即到2030年与2005年相比,减少与零售电力销售相关的80%的温室气体排放.

2. 59.4 MW: Busch Ranch II

Completed in 2019, this wind facility powers 28,这是我们科罗拉多州客户实现30%可再生银河官网的里程碑.


3. 60.8 MW: Peak View

Peak View位于科罗拉多州南部,为94,000多名客户银河官网网址提供服务. This facility was named after the view of the Spanish Peaks.


4. 52.5 MW: Corriedale

Our newest renewable facility located on King Ranch near Cheyenne, Wyoming, is owned by our South Dakota and Wyoming electric utilities, 并且是迄今为止风力发电设施中每兆瓦发电量最高的. This facility is named after the “Corriedale” sheep, 这是对金牧场在怀俄明州羊业发展中所起作用的致敬. Corriedale地理位置优越,位于怀俄明州东南部,是美国风能密度最高的地区之一.


Black Hills Energy renewable power purchase agreements

5. 60 MW: Platte River Power Authority Spring Canyon Wind

6. 30 MW: Duke Energy Silver Safe Wind

7. 30 MW: Duke Energy Happy Jack Wind

8. 4 MW: City of Spearfish Hydro

9. 80 MW: Fall River Solar

10. 106 MW: Roundhouse Renewable Energy Wind

Renewable energy

Energy efficiency and conservation